Stuff My Parents Make Me Watch
Fun With a Poison Pen.
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Diary of a wimpy kid 2
OK overweight kid singing Kesha the movie gained some brownie points,along with the fight in a church. and the party but after those key moments the movie basically went drier than an overcooked chicken. yea i much would have been happier to see Captain America again.
Must say Disney hypnosis worked on two mothers Greg's mom and Rowely's mom and lets face it ether Rowley's mom is hypnotized or on some serious paranoia LSD,weed,crack mix shit. He is way too sheltered and done for in a place called reality land. By the what is it with dairy books, dear dumb diary; Dork diaries; diaries of a wimpy kid. Lets face apparently publishing the lives of fictional characters is cool why don't we ma ke a strawberry shortcake diaries to so she can give a lecture on gluttony and how it is bad how six years olds are overweight. Sitting them down to watch basically a talking pastry do all this cool crap. really provides a great real life coach.
Anyway the movie i didn't find all that entertaining an i could really say oh this an that and really troll the hell out of it but then again i can also say hey it was OK but i would have preferred it if i was not able to guess parts of the movie making it a little too predictable for my taste ttyl.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Writers World
I NEVER spoke much verbally , but in the written word I spoke volumes.
Though THOUGHT was managed in every word a decent writer is unique, where as a person with hands can sculpt or paint or some one with working legs can run.
Though everything a writer puts out is criticized and not given as much credit as the fastest boy at the track meet, nor the girl who won the art show.
They pour their whole soul in the feeble hope some one will pick up on the plot or moral that was intended by the author, Because it is what they love.
They push though the mental blocks in attempt to meet deadlines so that they pay the rent on time .
Though as most as it can frustrate them they think of what they have gone through and wonder how they made it this far.
They are strong and still manage to be free spirits though the American people tear their works apart by picking apart every witticism or flaw the work may not even have.
Saturday, February 19, 2011

" I am federal agent Jack Bauer, and this is the longest day of my life"
Season 1
Yea usually i do movie reviews. But this is one of the best shows ever .Jack Bauer shot himself 10 times to prove 50 cent is a bitch .And yes, i believe Jack would be crazy enough to do that. How is it however that he comes close to death every time And still lives. BEST patriotic character EVER , next to Gib (N.C.I.S ) Sadly after 8 seasons they cut the show. And i will bet that is because the drunk of a main character finally got kicked off the show ,so they produced the sloppy way to end the series even though 6& under were awesome. That was one of the best Action shows out there, but lets face Kefier was one drunk bastard. Good show BUT they should have chosen a more stable character. I used to be up at one o'clock watching 24 because it was so awesome.
Monday, February 7, 2011
food inc.

First of all i will never eat meat without thinking twice .Just not going to happen ,ugh I`ll be lucky if i can eat meat after this one. Nope the conditions that the animals are kept in .the level of control they (they producing company)have is ridiculous .the poor child who suffered of ecol Kevin who i am sorry to say died very young .the parents only wanted an apology were not granted the grace of that . and the same issue continues with the same and other companies.the rate that they say will be the diabetic rate( 1 in 3 children ) is just pure stupidity ,if it is going to negatively effect the future is not good idea to produce and promote . Not found of that which is meant to cause public issues ,and the fact we are not permitted to see what we are eating. many companies that we let youth eat is cooped ,with no light , and fesses and dust every where.But the big companies are paying the big bucks to keep the huge secret of a massive deceitful idea that the easy way of buying food is buying alot of antibiotics to. And some people are starting to care about the chemicals we put into our body on a daily basis.Walmart is begining to turn towards the organic product that changing the local supermarket and mabey at one point can change the way we think about and choose our food.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
harry potter # 7 pt 1

Saw it loved it.probably should have read the book first though.tales of the beetle and the bard ,it a company book.loved it scared my friend though
when dobby died.(i laughed so hard).the elder wand looked so cool.I wave stick and magic happens . the begin was sad though .Hermione (little orphan Annie),poor Hermione .it was so good thx James and dad .maybe wizards have the right idea on life .awesome movie ilove most of the hp series .poor dobby (rofl) . yeah im keeping up with the series woo hoo!hope fully the keep it gold to the last stride .the hp fan base is easily bigger & better (in my opion) than to the twilight mrs. J.K Rowling.
Friday, November 19, 2010
V for Venddetta

"Remember remember the 5Th of November the gunpowder,treason,and plot.i know of no reason why the gun powder treason should ever be forgot."one of my favorite movies.God i loved it they were right about the changes between Evey in the book and Evey in the see in the book Evey was no more than a pawn and a child none the less this Evey however was much more mature ."People should not be afraid of the government, the government should be afraid of its people."
"Faith through unity,unity through strength,"Not true , if it were life would be better for those who were in need . that and we would have seen a difference in our economy ."All the time i`ve seen this country change its always been for the worst."Sadly this is the one thats true oh come on . Poor Evey getting dragged into this .Well she & v created a positive change ,for there country.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Taken that's another one of my favorite movies .its a story about a dad that sendes his 16-year old to paris w/ a friend and the two girls get kiddnaped So the girl`s father Bryan mills(liam neeson) an ex CIA agent is on the case . He travels to paris seeking his daughter Kim (Maggie Grace)and revenge . this is one of those movie you put on pause to get a drink cause you`ll be stuck trying to see wat happens next i love it beacause it one those nail bitters. Hopefully they`ll try to make a sequle i hope so it was fun to watch . wouldn`t that be cool though .bye.