Now this being the second time i have reviewed a D.O.A.W.K ( dairy of a wimpy kid) thing and most say i have very LOW expectations. First scene and i already know Greg is still the same self centered but im loving the beginning beat down on Greg. Oh and the Joe Jonas wanna be still going strong. you know one thing i have learned D.O.A.W.K basically the blog of a seventh grade half wit.
OK overweight kid singing Kesha the movie gained some brownie points,along with the fight in a church. and the party but after those key moments the movie basically went drier than an overcooked chicken. yea i much would have been happier to see Captain America again.
Must say Disney hypnosis worked on two mothers Greg's mom and Rowely's mom and lets face it ether Rowley's mom is hypnotized or on some serious paranoia LSD,weed,crack mix shit. He is way too sheltered and done for in a place called reality land. By the what is it with dairy books, dear dumb diary; Dork diaries; diaries of a wimpy kid. Lets face apparently publishing the lives of fictional characters is cool why don't we ma ke a strawberry shortcake diaries to so she can give a lecture on gluttony and how it is bad how six years olds are overweight. Sitting them down to watch basically a talking pastry do all this cool crap. really provides a great real life coach.
Anyway the movie i didn't find all that entertaining an i could really say oh this an that and really troll the hell out of it but then again i can also say hey it was OK but i would have preferred it if i was not able to guess parts of the movie making it a little too predictable for my taste ttyl.
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